How do you guys hand…

November 4, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
November 4, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

How do you guys hand…

How do you guys handle regression?

Jonah did really well over the summer when going to the store. He practiced a lot with his therapist. They practiced waiting in line, picking out and helping with groceries, and waiting to check out.

He used to help me push the cart, would place items on the “belt” for checkout and generally wanted to be involved.

Now it seems he has regressed to a point where I don’t want to take him to the store anymore.

He starts escalating as soon as we pull into the parking lot.

Hes too big to ride in the shopping cart and he just wants to run everywhere.

He runs ahead of me in the store and then goes limp when I try to hold his hand.

He screams if I physically pick him up and last time, he just laid on the floor, 3 customers behind me when I was checking out.

Then I had to sprint after him, leaving my groceries, as he headed out the automatic doors into the parking lot and I had to physically carry him screaming over my shoulder as I tried to gather all my groceries, push the cart to my car, and get him back in his seat.

He’s done really well in the past, he would help push the cart, would wait with me in line, would want to stay involved…but the strategies we had in place don’t seem to work anymore.

We are going to practice some more but I just wanted to see if you guys have any feedback to handle regression.


Original Facebook Post.