Trying not to laugh (video)

September 27, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
September 27, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

Trying not to laugh (video)

So this happened at school today. It happened last year around this time as well.

Jonah gets “comfortable” at school. Which basically means his behavior at school will start to mirror his behavior at home.

When I went to pick him up, and his teachers tell me that Jonah is “off.”

He had a “rough day.”

He isn’t listening to directions. He doesn’t want to do what they ask him. He just wants to run around all the time, all day.

I’m like… “welp, that sounds about like a pretty standard day to me.”

I mean seriously. I want to know HOW they get him to have BETTER days than THAT!

Original Facebook Post.