“I’m fine.”…

May 10, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
May 10, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

“I’m fine.”…

“I’m fine.”

I am guilty of this.

In an Ausome world, life is NEVER “easy.” There is always “stuff” going on.

For us, that means Jonah’s ABA. Jonny’s psych eval. Jonah’s not eating again. Jonny has a cavity. Jonah will NOT brush his teeth. Jonny has standardized testing. Jonah had another meltdown at bedtime…he slapped me right across the face again…

And that’s off the top of my head RIGHT NOW. Who knows what else there is for the week… month… YEAR(s) to worry about…

…but there’s no time to worry about any of that stuff.

“I’m fine.”

Sometimes, I know people don’t REALLY want to know what’s going on…

They are just trying to be nice. So I reply in turn.

“I’m fine.”

Sometimes, they simply wouldn’t understand… they don’t live in an Ausome world. They don’t “get it.” No amount of “explaining” would make them understand.

“I’m fine.”

And even if I did want to open up about it all, most times I just don’t actually have the time to get into it.

If I actually have a few free minutes where I’m not being hyper-vigilant looking after my kids the LAST thing I want to do with my precious free time is talk about all the stuff I have to be hyper-vigilant about.

“I’m fine.”

And honestly, “Fine” for us may not be the same as “fine” for you.

If you look at our situation, it may seem like huge waves are buffeting us, but we have grown used to it.

It’s just our “normal” now.

“I’m fine.”

Original Facebook Post.