Many people think we are “strong” parents…

April 28, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
April 28, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Many people think we are “strong” parents…

Many people think we are “strong” parents.

They say that because they compare their IDEA of parenthood to our REALITY.

It may be “tougher” than their version of parenthood, but we are what we need to be for our kids.

And I will admit, being a parent to a child with ANY disability is a tougher journey to walk than others.

And yet we walk it. Every day.

But after awhile, all our time is swallowed up by our journey. We put everything else aside. Friendships are neglected. It’s not intentional… It’s just a reprioritization.

Sometimes we even neglect ourselves. We refuse help. We don’t think anyone else can possibly understand. So we walk our paths. Many times alone.

But no matter how strong a person is, each of us has a breaking point. Life will happen.

And even if someone can carry more than anyone else in the world, there comes a point when they can carry no more. And they are so used to shouldering everything in life, they won’t ask for help from others. They don’t think anyone else would be able to help, or would even WANT to.

Sometimes we are tired of being “strong.”

Sometimes we need to be reminded that we don’t have to do it alone.

It’s hard sometimes, but take care of yourselves, you guys. Ask for help if you need it. Offer to help others when you can.

But don’t ever assume that the “strong” person is automatically “okay.” We all need help from time to time.

And that’s okay.

We are all in it together.

(From Autism. From a dad’s eye view)

Original Facebook Post.