“Don’t look down…”

March 31, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 31, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

“Don’t look down…”

“Don’t look down…”

I’ve been right up to the edge of the Grand Canyon a couple of times. There are trails that lead down from the lip of the canyon to the bottom. In the winter, those trails may be covered in snow and ice. It can be a treacherous path.

If you are walking it, one misstep can lead to dire consequences.

But when that is your path, dwelling on the things that might go wrong can be crippling. The fear of what “could” happen can keep you from even taking even a single step.

As Ausome parents, we all deal with it… the uncertainty…the sleepless nights… wondering about the future… from time to time, it gets overwhelming.

“Don’t look down.”

That’s not to say “don’t consider the negative possibilities,” but don’t DWELL on them.

Don’t focus on the scope of the journey or the consequences of failure… that can cripple you and your journey as a parent.

Just focus on taking that next step forward. Find the victories and celebrate them.


Truth from Walking With Drake

Original Facebook Post.