If I had more time and energy I would do ________________ more.

December 21, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
December 21, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

If I had more time and energy I would do ________________ more.

How would you fill in this blank?

If I had more time and energy I would do ________________ more.

For me it would be “PAINTING.”

Like “Bob Ross-style, canvas and paint brush, a 6-pack of Frappuccinos, reggae music and nothing but time” …painting.

I actually majored in art. I would spend hours…days… weeks in the art studio. It was how I ‘de-stressed.’

It’s been at least a decade since I made anything artistic (since the kids were born!) with the exception of a drawing here or there as a wedding present.

Maybe, one day again. But for now, I get my fix doing graphic design.

What about you?

Original Facebook Post.