How is your Monday?

November 13, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
November 13, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

How is your Monday?

How is your Monday?

I am striving to be intentional about taking better care of myself. Jonah is getting heavier and faster and there will come a time when I won’t be able to catch him or pick him up.

I am trying to put that off for as long as I can.

So I’m trying to eat better and get back in shape. When I am in good shape, I have more energy, I can keep up with both kids and I generally just feel better about myself.

I set the automatic coffee timer this morning for somewhere around 4:30am (If I do something, I go for the gusto). I wanted to go to the gym this morning and get a head start on the day. It feels like I have already accomplished a day’s worth of work if I have completed a morning jog by 7am.

I used to be able to do this.
I used to be able to get up at 4am, go to the gym by 5am and be home before 7am.

Not so anymore.

You already know the drill.

I got the boys to bed pretty much on time, which was a fantastic accomplishment in and of itself.

2am rolled around. Jonah got restless. He crawled into bed with us.

He started ‘breakdancing’ in our bed. He kicked me in the face. Arms and legs were a flying blur as he tossed and turned.

Finally, I just got up and went downstairs to sleep on the couch.

Guess who followed me and slept on me on the couch?

I fell back asleep around 3am.

By the time I woke up again, the coffee that I had timed to put on had already gotten cold.

It was nearly 7 already.

I didn’t get to work out in the morning and I was practically more tired than I was before I went to sleep.

I had to rush around to get the boys off to school on time…
And I am utterly unmotivated to do anything.

It has been a 2-pot of coffee kind of day.

Happy Monday.

Thanks to Just a minutemy cape is in the dryer for sharing!

Original Facebook Post.