What tips do you have for dealing with meltdowns?

November 28, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 28, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

What tips do you have for dealing with meltdowns?

What tips do you have for dealing with meltdowns?

When Jonah first started having meltdowns, I tried to immediately sternly intervene and found that it only escalated it. I’ve had to learn deal with meltdowns by trial and error.

He’s not “trying” to “misbehave.” He’s simply reacting to the world around him.

See, when Jojo is having a meltdown, his world is basically on fire.
He throws things, breaks things, hits, slams doors, kicks, screams and basically cannot process anything else until that subsides.

My job as a parent during one of Jojo’s meltdowns is to guide him back. To help him find his calm. I will either remove him from the situation, remove the situation, or silently endure until it subsides.

But at all times, I have to remain calm, no matter how difficult it seems.

Thanks to An Aspergers Journey for sharing!

Original Facebook Post.