Hi Dada!

July 5, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
July 5, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Hi Dada!

“Hi Dada”

Have you ever wondered what you would be like in the future? What your life would be like if you could get in a time machine and fast forward?

I had one of those moments… except sort of the other way.

I was mowing the back yard and Jonah was playing with the grass clippings, just having a blast.

My thoughts drifted to life when I was younger, living at home, trying to figure it all out.

I was gonna be a professional ball player, or artist, or … something, but I wanted to be the best in the world at whatever I did…buy a huge house… make millions…

And then Jonah pulled me out of my reverie and came up to me and said “Hi Dada.”

At that point, I wished My younger self could have time travelled to this very point.

Because there is nothing in life more sweeter than that.

Sure, life didn’t turn out as expected, and I’m not some professional athlete, but you know what?

I’ve learned something. Life isn’t about making lots of money. It’s not about having the best things, or the newest things. It’s not about things…

Its actually not about “me” at all.

When you finally grow up, you see life differently.

Something inside of you changes and the past ambitions for your life are no longer fulfilling.

For me, I have found contentment in helping others to succeed.

Especially my children.

I would trade ALL of my successes (past, present, or future) to see the smallest amount of success in either one of my children.

If I could give one piece of advice to my former self, it would be this:

“Don’t try to be the best at what you do or what you are. Be the best at ‘who you are.’ ”

Be the best “YOU.”

I’m excited to see where we are 10, 15, 20 years from now and where once, I would have looked at it with trepidation (especially with autism), i now look forward to it with hope.

Original Facebook Post.