
June 11, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
June 11, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute


Forgot this happened when we were in Maui…

Jonny walks up to me and straight up flips me the bird while yelling, “SUCKA!!!”

I sat dumbfounded blinking at what my sweet little boy had just done and trying to figure out what miscreant had taught him that.

He smiled at me like I should be proud of him for something.

He did it again. He stuck his hand right in my face. “SUCKA!!!”

Then I got it.

I started laughing hysterically.

…”Close, Jonny. You gotta put up your thumb and pinky bud. Like this.

And you gotta say ‘Shaka!!’ Not ‘Sucka.’ ”

This kid. I swear.

Original Facebook Post.