His step ladder slipped out from under him! (video)

May 2, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
May 2, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

His step ladder slipped out from under him! (video)

One time Jonah was playing with the sink and his step ladder slipped out from under him. He was able to keep himself from falling because he had incredible core/upper body strength.

But then I started worrying that he might fall every time he is on the thing so I would make extra sure that the floor was not wet and that he wasn’t leaning over too far.

And then he realized what I was doing…

And started doing this.

Jonah is well aware of the danger involved, but this kid thrives on it.

He has fallen flat on his back from here before.


So of course I worry. And Jojo thinks it’s hilarious to make me worry when he “pushes the envelope.”

This has been his moniker since he was a baby.

Oh, I have made him get down before, but then he will find another MORE dangerous thing to try. He loves testing his own physical limits.

I’m going to need to get that kid involved in something to redirect that energy and push to physically excel. Soon.

Original Facebook Post.