So this is the bathtub. This is Jojo. This was our entire morning.

May 20, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
May 20, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

So this is the bathtub. This is Jojo. This was our entire morning.

So this is the bathtub. This is Jojo. This was our entire morning.

Jonah woke up dry for the 2nd morning in a row. He must have held it for 12 hours this time! I should add, we aren’t potty training at all. We aren’t trying to force him, we’re not experimenting with it… zilch. Nada. He’s still in pull-ups all the time.

I would rather wait to try when school is out or after our vacation when we can establish a good routine for toileting, but now is not the best time to start.

After waking up and eating breakfast, Jojo wanted a bath. We obliged. He sat next to the tub after the water was full..for half an hour. Wouldn’t get in. So I left. He followed me and started streaking around the house.

Then he wouldn’t let us put his clothes or a pull-up on. Finally he got in the bath (which was now tepid).

After 5 minutes he got out and allowed me to dress him. Then he finally went potty in his pull-up. Then he took his pull-up off and ran upstairs and said “bath” again. He has hardly ever taken his own pull-up off.

3 hours of the day has been Jojo requesting a bath, taking his clothes off and standing in the bathroom.

And he peed on the floor again.

I’m almost sure this is his way of telling us he is ready to start potty training. Otherwise I have no idea what this behavior is.

Hopefully he can wait a couple weeks or so when things calm down.

Otherwise we are not going anywhere for a while if Jonah is refusing to wear clothes.

Huh boy.

Original Facebook Post.