Tonight is a “victory night”

March 13, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 13, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Tonight is a “victory night”

Tonight is a “victory night” because I can make a 6pm pot of coffee to make it through the bed time routine and still fall asleep because I am just that tired.

Tonight is a “victory night” because I can start working around midnight and get something accomplished if he has gone down by then.

Tonight is a “victory night” because the house is still a mess but we got the dishes done.

Tonight is a “victory night” because I finally dried the load of clothes I washed three times because I forgot about it.”

Tonight is a “victory night” because I got to eat dinner.

Tonight is a “victory night” because even though he may not fall asleep soon, at least he’s staying in bed.

Tonight is a “victory night” because I get to spend most the night with my little boy.

Tonight is a “victory night” because he blew a kiss to Mama.

Tonight is a “victory night” because he loves me.

Tonight is a “victory night.”


Original Facebook Post.