
January 16, 2014| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 16, 2014|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes


So I was going to post a “Throwback Thursday” pic. I found this one on the left of me as a baby and I had to do a double-take.

I tried to recreate that photo with Jonah. Wow.

A little about the picture on the left… I can tell somebody made my outfit, and that was pretty normal for most of our clothes.

My mom tells me that I was an “easy” baby (slept through the night 12 hours at 8 weeks). She said she could leave me in a high-chair and I would be content for hours.

I didn’t know what she meant. I thought those types of babies are just made up pretend babies that other parents brag about to make the rest of us regular parents jealous.

And then we met Jonah. This kid…

I’ve heard the kid cry less than 10 times since he was born. He can fuss… he fusses with the best of them, but crying? meh. Just too much work for a Jonah-boy.

Some examples:

I put him down in his crib so I can get ready for bed. I walk back in and he’s asleep already… in his clothes. No jammies.

I wake him up to change him. He smiles and coos at me. I take him downstairs and put him on his piano toy where he can “kick around” and play with his hanging toys. 10 minutes later, he’s played himself to sleep.

I take him over to my friends house to watch the Sea Hawks… He sits and watches the whole thing with me. Fusses for about 2 minutes to let me know he’s hungry, I feed him…he falls asleep… In the middle of screaming fans.

He’s not quite sleeping through the night yet. He’s growing too fast for that. He must eat every 3 hours… but he will go from 10:30pm until about 4:30am before he wakes up to eat. 6 hours isn’t too bad with a boy this big.

Yeah. I’m one of those parents now. Is it okay if I brag just a LITTLE bit?
