Being 2

August 15, 2010| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
August 15, 2010|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

Being 2

Time for some updates! We went to the doctors for Jonny’s 2-year check up and the biggest news is that…well, it was really uneventful. YAY!!!

Jonny is now in the 10th percentile in weight and in length as well. He weighs about 24 lbs. Proportionally, he is 50%, right down the middle. We had our first appointment with a dentist and it lasted all of about 45 seconds. The dentist checked his teeth over and everything seemed fine. We are still working on getting Jonny to use toothpaste when he brushes his teeth. The darn kid is so picky, he has rejected almost every one on account of ‘it tastes bad.’

Jonny is walking all over the place. When I say all over the place, I mean ALL…OVER..THE…PLACE.

We have been taking him to a play group with his developmental group twice a week. There, we have been meeting with his speech therapist and his development specialist to monitor his progress and to work on new things.

He has learned to go up and down stairs (holding a hand), and loves to play in the sand box and taking rides in the big wagon.

His favorite activity at play group is the ‘circle time’ at the end, when all the kids sit in a circle and sing fun little songs.

We are also working on expanding his food intake. He is still extremely picky, but he will eat grilled cheese sandwiches, begals, chips, almost any fruit, and mac & cheese.

His speech has expanded too! He can say “Hi,” “No,” “Yeah,” “owww” (out), “yes tees” (yes please), “I wantdat,” “Dadsy” (Daddy), “gu-goh” (bubbles), “gall” (ball), “gath” (bath), “guy-guy” (bye bye), “din-din” (all done) and “da-sing” (dancing…from Leo Sayer’s “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing” a song on his favorite episode of the muppets).

Jonny has expanded past just “The Muppets” and has taken a liking to Sesame Street …mostly Elmo.

Hmm…now to updates with us…

Ooh ooh, in an attempt to save some cash, we cancelled our cable tv…and our tivo, and got a digital converter to watch basic channels… and also got Netflix. We’ll see if it actually saves money.

Mama has signed up for a run called THE WARRIOR DASH in Portland next month. It is a three-mile run chalk-full of obstacles like climbing cargo nets, rappelling, and jumping into a big pool of mud. I will be working, but it sounds…fun?

Myself, I had an MRI done on my shoulder and found out I have a partially-torn rotator cuff that I have been tolerating for the last 10 years. It is not really operable since it is only partially torn. They could repair it if it was torn all the way through, but it would mean 6 months of rehab (3 of which I couldn’t even DRIVE!) So, instead I have been rehabbing it on my own to strengthen it and taken it easy on physical activity.

I quit working out for like 3 months…and gained like 25lbs, 15lbs in 4 weeks…(how do you like that for metabolism?) So I’ve forced myself back to the gym and started running again.

That’s really about it…