18-mo stats for Jonny

January 12, 2010| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
January 12, 2010|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

18-mo stats for Jonny

So we had Jonny’s 18 month checkup today.

We waited about 20 min before the pediatrician saw us and Jonny kept signing “done, please” over and over and over. Finally, by the time the doctor came, Jonny was absolutely done. And wouldn’t you know it, the first thing the Doc does is turn out the lights, and starts shining things in his eyes. Jonny was not amused.

Needless to say, our pediatrician is still convinced that something is wrong with his left eye since he seems to fuss more (is that possible) still when he covers it up… (we already took him to an eye specialist who assured us his eyes are fine). Jonny was just generally fussy at his checkup. Doc seems to think a 2nd opinion wouldn’t be a bad idea… *sigh…

But the real fun came when the shots came out. We ‘skipped’ his 15-mo check up so we had a double whammy. 4 shots. Into an already fussy, cranky tired baby…

…at nap time.

The worst part was that the shots spiked a fever and the dull pain from the vaccines wouldn’t let Jonny sleep. He just went down for his nap at 4pm. He is usually asleep by noon. He has been clingy, fussy and just generally MAD since we got home. He startled himself awake multiple times while trying to fall asleep (he has never done this before). I wonder if this trip to the doctor turned into his first nightmare at nap time. I’m just glad its during the day and not all night. We will see how he does tonight.

Oh yeah, we also discovered Jonny is cutting no less than 8 (count em EIGHT!) teeth, 4 canines and 4 molars. *cringe* He is hardly eating anything because of it. He drinks most his meals.

Some other stats,

Length 31.5″ (50+ percentile)

Weight 20 lbs (less than 3rd percentile – aka off the charts thin)
He weighed 18 lbs at his 12 mo check up so he’s only gained 2 lbs in the last 6 months. Eat your food buddy!!