Jonny’s first trip to Safeco Field

May 3, 2009| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
May 3, 2009|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Jonny’s first trip to Safeco Field

My friends were up visiting from California and we got tickets to the Mariner Game at the “Hit it Here” Cafe in right field.

It is entirely indoors with a front row view of the game while you eat overpriced hot dogs and pop that come with the tickets. Jonny and their 11-month old “Kiddo” got to see their first professional baseball game. Mama had to work so it was some Daddy/Jonny time for us at the ball game.

Jonny was the life of the party for the people around us. He is such a ham! We stayed all 9 innings and he didn’t even nap. He fussed every so often, but he was content to play with his new hat, teethe on his toys and on the table. He was probably ready to go by about the 6th inning, but he gutted it out. He actually fussed more when I picked him up so I put him in a high chair and he started hootin’ and hollerin’ (like a true baseball fan!) with a big smile on his face. By the 9th inning he had caught his 4th wind and was all revved up again, laughing and tossing his head back and forth.

The Mariners lost but Jonny got to see Ken Griffey Jr. play in probably his final season. We had to high-tail it 5 blocks or so back to the car in the wind and rain but Jonny didn’t cry and even held on to the umbrella I had to hold over the front of his stroller for me.

Jonny was asleep in his carseat by the time we got to the freeway. After fighting ballgame traffic and an accident on the freeway, we got home at about 10:30 (bedtime is 9:00). I put him to bed in his Mariner’s jersey and he was quite content to sleep until 8:30 this morning.

I was a little under the weather after I got home that night but I feel better today. I was hesitant to take a 9-month old to an entire baseball game, but what an experience. Thank you friends for the tickets!