25 Random Things About Jason

February 10, 2009| Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes
February 10, 2009|By Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes

25 Random Things About Jason

I was “tagged” in a blog on facebook to post 25 random facts about me but I thought I’d re-post my version on my own blog. Enjoy!

1. I have a soft side for fantasy and science fiction novels. Most recently fantasy. From Dragonlance Chronicles, to Lord of the Rings, to The Inheritance Series (Eragon). I read “Brisingr” by Chris Paolini (800 pages) in 2 days. I have determined I am going to write a fantasy novel of my own one day. I have already started an outline.

2. I’m still addicted to World of Warcraft even though I haven’t played it in 6 months. I still surf the 29 twink forum on Shadowburn.

3. I have never liked any foods that go into a salad except for the croutons. I refuse to eat lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, or any leafy green veggie of any kind. I will however, eat peas, green beans, and broccoli if it’s cooked.

4. My son is named for both my grandfathers. “Jonny” was my grandfather’s (mother’s side) nickname when he immigrated from the Philippines.

5. I’m going to run a marathon one day. I hate running. I figure once I run a marathon I will have ‘conquered’ running once and for all.

6. For a former athlete, I really don’t keep up on sports…like, at all anymore.

7. I haven’t watched a DVD or Movie in at least 5 weeks. No, I take it back, I watched a DVD last week so nevermind.

8. I have been known to comment on articles in the Seattle Times online. Usually disagreeing with everyone about everything…just for kicks.

9. I have at least $500 of Legos at my parents house waiting for my son to be old enough to play with them.

10. I once modeled for Nordstroms when I was 3. I shot with a kid named Ben. He got to wear a zoot suit. They put me in a girls outfit. (A shorts suit with knee-high socks and penny loafers) I never did it again. I guess they used the shot for an ad in San Jose in 1984.

11. I play the drums and piano. I can’t read sheet music. I can pick out almost any song by ear on the piano and have it mastered within a week.

12. I still have some shirts I wore in 1993. Don’t ask me why. I am currently wearing the ‘spider-butt’ shirt my sister got me for my birthday in like 2001. Mama hates it, I think my sister does now too.

13. I have very vivid long-term memory and awful short term memory. I can recite every prepositional phrase from memory in alphabetical order, I remember moments from when I was 3 years old, yet you will have to introduce yourself at least 4 times for me to remember your name.

14. If necessary, I can go at least 12 hours without using a restroom.

15. I went to the Ukraine on a missions trip for a month when I was 10.

16. I played basketball in a Venezuelan prison when I was 15. The guards didn’t have guns, they had machetes.

17. My dad pitched batting practice for the Seattle Mariners in 1987-1988. I got to go on the field with the other players, and hang out with all the Mariners like every week. I got so sick of going to Mariner games, I would only go if they were giving out cool door prizes.

18. Mama was a friend of a friend of a friend when I met her.

19. I want to learn a martial art. I always have, but never had time to do it.

20. Along with 4 years of baseball and basketball, I played a year of tennis in High School. I really didn’t care about it, but I worked my way onto the varsity team. *sidenote, I also played 7 years of soccer growing up.

21. I took an interest in art in 3rd grade. My 3rd grade teacher made me miss recess to redo a sloppy drawing. She told me ‘haste makes waste’. So in a tirade, I showed her ‘just how good I could do’ at it and it stuck with me.

22. Even though I was an art major I am horrible at 3-D art of any kind. I don’t have the patience or skill necessary to better myself at it. This involves cooking, building anything, fixing anything, gardening, craftwork, even folding paper airplanes. I don’t have the talent.

23. I went to state in my 7th grade science fair researching ‘MAGLEV’ trains. I made a “track” by gluing magnets to a piece of wood and gluing magnets to the bottom of a balsa-wood “train” to make it levitate.

24. My first job was in college. I had a ‘work-study’ job guarding the home and visiting locker rooms during football games. I couldn’t watch the games, but it was 5 hours of paid free time since nobody ever came in the gym.

25. I have changed my permanent residence 12 times in my life.