Jonny’s first shots

September 15, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
September 15, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

Jonny’s first shots

…Were awful. He was soooo happy the whole appointment. He didn’t fuss or cry at all when the doctor was measuring and prodding and poking, sticking objects in his ears, shining lights in his eyes… he was very tolerable, not even a whine.

We found out Jonny is 10lbs-8oz. Still 50th percentile in weight. 23 inches (50th percentile). Nothing new medically to be concerned about.

Then the nurse came in with the immunizations. One was administered orally, and Jonny ate it without incident, almost looking like he was enjoying it. He looked at us for his food as he has never had to ingest anything without getting a full belly out of the deal and he was really expecting some nice warm milk to wash down this new taste.

Then the nurse administered the first of 3 shots in his left leg. I cringed at the same time Jonny did. I’m sure it was the worst pain he has experienced in his life. He let out a little whimper, waited about 5 seconds holding his breath while the pain really kicked in and then let forth a horrendous scream that only got worse as the nurse then administered the 2nd and 3rd shots in his right leg in quick succession. I couldn’t watch those ones. He cried so hard the first tear of his life rolled down his little cheek.

Seriously…. who gives their son the worst pain of his little life instead of food? I know he will not remember it, but we will. As parents, we are charged with the health and well being of our kids. And willingly letting someone inflict on him the worst pain of his life while we stood there condoning it made me feel like the worst parent in the world. I wish they could have done it in another room so we didn’t have to watch. I know it is for his own good, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I can’t even begin to imagine how we will be when he has his surgery on his cleft or his hips.

Grandpa and Grandma came over for a day and fed us until we couldn’t eat any more. Jonny has now met all his grandparents. I was a bit worried he would cry all night and keep them up. He did pretty well for their visit. He cried for about half an hour around midnight (so loud it woke grandpa up and he came up to see if we actually WERE torturing his grandson) but he eventually slept a good 5 hours which is fantastic for him.

I am now in the middle of one of the biggest papers of the year but I thought I would give you an update. Mama meets with the gal that will be watching Jonny when Mama goes back to work  tomorrow for a few hours to see how she does with her little 2 year old girl and Jonny. Mama will meet with her a few more times before she flies solo. Until then, we are hanging in there, sleeping when we can… trudging through the day when we are not. Praying for “healthy babies and rested parents.”