Week 9

February 4, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
February 4, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Week 9


ABA is one of the most recommended therapies in the United States for those with autism. But there is a lot of controversy in the autism community surrounding it. Some see it as extremely harmful compliance training. Others have had a fantastic experience.

If you are unfamiliar with it, I broke down ABA in an extensive 3-part series, which you can find here.

On top of that, I did a 12-week series of what ABA looked like for us. I’m not trying to promote it or discourage its practice. My aim is simply to inform you so you can make an informed decision on whether ABA is right for you or your kids.

You can find an index of all the video’s here.

And now, the post!

Jonah discovered a TV show he likes called ‘Super Simple Songs.’ He will sing along with it and imitate the motions.

During session, we will put on the show. Then the therapist will pause the show to work on different things. Then, the show will resume and Jonah gets some space.

This week, Jonah learned how to imitate actions like “raising hands” and “spinning.” Not only did he imitate the action, he was able to do it when it was requested of him, without having it demonstrated first.

This is important because it shows he can follow directions, which is a skill every child should be learning.

And in imitating action words, he can progress to other things like ‘writing,’ ‘hand washing’ or ‘potty-training.’

He still has fun with his therapists even though it’s not always fun. Sometimes he needs space and he now has the tools to ask for it. The therapists will oblige when he asks.

School is going “well.”

All I have to gauge how school is really going is his reaction to being there. He is genuinely excited when we show up so that tells me he is having a positive experience. I don’t have much time to chat with his teachers on a daily basis but we will email back and forth if there are issues.

Anyways, this was just a quick update but I will call it good. Until next time!

ABA Weeks 1-12

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